Payton McDonald, MD


Sault Ste. Marie, MI (Yooper)

Undergraduate Education:
Central Michigan University

Medical School Education:
Central Michigan University

Interests Within Medicine:
Ultrasound, Rural Medicine, International Medicine

Interests Outside of Medicine:
Hiking, Tent Camping, Weightlifting, Snorkeling, Traveling, Cooking, Disney

Fun Fact About Me:
My bench PR is 145#, Squat 255#, Deadlift 285#

Book Recommendations:
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reed
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab

Favorite Foods (in no particular order):
Homemade Pasta, Gumbo, Lasagna, Smoked Brisket, Shrimp and Gravy, Sourdough, Cinnamon Rolls, Soft Pretzels

Single Greatest Decision:
Taking a chance on an unexpected fella, in a less-than-ideal situation. Just 3 years later, I’ve married to the love of my life and best friend

In My Past Life:
I was born and raised in Tuscany, Italy. I spent my life traversing Europe curating an extensive knowledge of cooking, baking, and growing produce and fresh herbs. A handwritten book of my recipes and notes has been handed down for generations