Saadman (Saad) Rahman, MD


Atlanta, GA

Undergraduate Education:
Emory University

Medical School Education:
Morehouse School of Medicine

Interests Within Medicine:
Global EM, Ultrasound

Interests Outside of Medicine:
Sports (Hawks, Falcons, Braves, Chelsea FC, MMA, Tennis), Movies/TV, Cats, Animal Behavior, Traveling, Food

If I Weren’t in Medicine I’d Be:
Zoologist/wildlife biologist. I love learning about animal behavior and how humans impact wildlife. There are complex communication systems that animals have and I find it interesting to note similarities to how humans communicate.

All Time Favorite Movie:
Oceans 11. You can’t go wrong with a good heist movie. What makes this movie my favorite is that it is a GREAT heist movie. With a star-studded cast and great character interactions with witty dialogue, you find yourself amazed by the con artists elaborate schemes.

My Favorite Quote:
“Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t” -Bill Nye. There are so many interesting people around us from all different walks of life. Each person has their own unique story, and from that story we can learn so many different lessons that are applicable to our lives. Meeting people and sharing our stories is what makes us grow.